Saturday, December 6, 2008

Polish "international evening"

Saturday, 29.11.2008

On this Saturday morning we had, once again, Business in China till early evening. Hmmm...
But afterwards: As our Polish couple invited us to their place for an "Polish international evening", we took the chance to try some different foods and drinks *gg*. Nothing more to expain about that, I think :-D.

The main ingredient of our main dish. Looks ugly, doesn't it?

But if you fry it, you can really say that it tastes like potatoe fritters ("Kartoffelpuffer").
Was delicious.

Then the obligatory korean dish - Rice with sesame oil, tuna and chili paste served in a seaweed leave

Afterwards a Polish pizza, hand-made of course. Delicious!

Hyvää ruokahalua! / Bon appetit! / Mahlzeit!

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